
Beer glasses

20 items total
Beer glass 350 ml, Eva Solo
40,22 €
Beer glass 500 ml, Eva Solo
40,22 €
Beer glass BARREL AGED CRAFT 480 ml, Spiegelau
19,50 €
Beer glass BOUQUET, set of 6 pcs, 530 ml, clear, Holmegaard HMG4803116
Beer glass CABERNET, set of 6 pcs, 640 ml, clear, Holmegaard HMG4303389
Beer glass CHARLOTTE AMALIE 300 ml, Holmegaard
33,82 €
Beer glass JUVEL, set of 4 pcs, 490 ml, Lyngby Glas
30,70 €
Beer glass NOBLESSE 600 ml, Nachtmann
18,90 €
Beer glass PERFECTION, set of 6 pcs, 440 ml, clear, Holmegaard HMG4802417
Beer glass PREMIUM, set of 2 pcs, 600 ml, clear, Rosendahl RSD29605
Beer glass set BEER CLASSICS TASTING KIT, 4 pcs, Spiegelau SP4991695
Beer glass STOUT CRAFT BEER 600 ml, set of 2 pcs, Spiegelau SP4992661
Beer glass TULIP BEER CLASSIC, set of 6 pcs, 475 ml, Spiegelau SP4991884
Beer glass VERITAS BEER, 460 ml, Riedel
59 €
Beer glass, set of 2 pcs, 380 ml, Bitz
15,54 €
Beer glasses CELEBRATION, set of 4, 380 ml, clear, Nachtmann NM105226

Beer glasses – enjoy your beer even more!

What are beer glasses?

A beer glass is a particular kind of glass cup that is designed for drinking beer. Beer glasses exist in a variety of forms, dimensions, and materials, all of which are intended to improve the drinking experience and the flavour of various types of beers.

Beer glasses available in Kulina are manufactured by renowned producers and glass specialists like Eva Solo. And if you are looking for a present for a beer fan, make sure to check our selection of designer bottle openers.

What are the types of beer glasses?

To make drinking beer more enjoyable, beer is served in glasses. The beer's look, scent, and flavour may all be influenced by the shape and size of the glass, allowing you to fully enjoy all of its distinctive qualities. You can enjoy your favourite beer even more by using the appropriate kind of glass. Among the most typical styles of beer glasses are:

  • Pint Glass: A standard pint glass has straight sides and a little taper at the bottom. Ales and lagers are typically served using it.
  • Tulip Glass: A tulip glass resembles a pint glass but differs in that it has a flared top that becomes narrower towards the bottom. It is used to improve the flavour and fragrance of strong, fragrant beers like Belgian beer.
  • Pilsner Glass: A pilsner glass is tall and slender glass with a slight flare at the top. It is designed to showcase the clarity and effervescence of pilsners and other light beers.
  • Weissbier Glass: A Weissbier glass has a bulbous top and is tall and thin. Its purpose is to improve the flavour and aroma of wheat beers.
  • Snifter Glass: A snifter glass has a narrow aperture and a wide bowl. It is short and sturdy. It is made to improve the flavour and fragrance of robust, complex beers like stouts, porters, and barleywines.

How should I pour beer into a glass?

Beer is not simply poured into a glass by tilting a bottle or can. Choosing the appropriate glass for the beer you're serving, tilting it at a 45-degree angle, carefully pouring it down the side of the glass, and gradually straightening it to create a good head of foam are all steps in the art of the perfect pour.

Before tasting, take a minute to enjoy the scent and sight of the beer. Allow approximately an inch of space at the top of the glass to enable room for the foam to settle.

We also offer a variety of different glasses for alcoholic beverages such as cocktail glasses, wine glasses, champagne glasses, and long drink glasses.